Saturday, February 23, 2013

PAINTING, Tribal Mother and Child

New work
This painting depicts the anxiety that refugees live with. As with any mother, the well being and safety of her child is ever present in her expression and on her mind.
This KAREN woman is wearing a dress of woven materials with beadwork.

February 25th we will be in a KAREN VILLAGE where we will be working.

Friday, February 1, 2013

"Leave well enough, Alone"

Frequently I had heard this phrase through my childhood,, Leave well enough alone.
Later I understood it in terms of limitations.
In other words, impose self limitations if you cannot improve your status quo.
It was so carelessly used that it begged to be challenged.

Change can bring incredible depth of character and joy into our lives, but we must disturb and challenge the doldrums of " LEAVE WELL ENOUGH! ALONE"

On my canvasses for example, when I finish a painting , but am not
pleased with it I put it aside to return to it later.
I know I will work further on it. I have painted some of my best works , under revision, or change.
Discontent drives us to improvement. This remains true in our spiritual life.

And what of our walk of Faith and spiritual disciplines?

Hebrews 12 :1 "
... I lay aside...

At present, , I am devouring books downloaded to my IPAD such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer's
books' A Biography , The Man and The Martyr and THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP.
The latter address our tendencies to lax into spiritual lethargy or Cheap Grace, as I understand .
I desire to challenge the "Well Enough's " in my spiritual disciplines to make a greater difference for Christ in the lives of those He Loves.