Friday, July 22, 2016

Surprised By Joy

                                                  Surprised By Joy                                  

When. I met Jim, 47 years ago, in Laguna Beach, he was witnessing. I could see clearly 
 that he was sharing his faith because he had a Bible in hand  and a smile on his face . As I intended to pass by him, he said hello and began speaking to me. I was immediately intrigued by the friendly and warm introduction and his manner of sharing his  faith with me. In fact that   was the first  time I had experienced such a personal passionate expression of faith. I was a Christian already , but   was twice hooked. 
First time by the Billy Graham Crusade on   Tv 
In 1965 and Jim Davis the second time. 
Hooked by both passion and Message . 

Of the three PTA Seminars that Jim has been teaching in. Southeast Asia foe 29years , the Evangelism & Follow Up is my favorite and stirs my heart deeply every time he teaches it.  Why? Everyone is moved to deep conviction and go share their faith and those receiving Christ weep tears  of joy.   This is his Signature Seminar . His passion for soul winning remains in tact. 
Singularly , it is the  passion and love for the lost, combined with sharing Scripture  that he conveys to his class. Jim Davis is a Soul Winner. 
Last Friday we had such a Seminar and Follow Up in  Dumaguete  City with  an Outreach Concert Saturday night.  
Our Door to Door  evangelism won 67 persons to Christ . Saturday's concert outreach saw 78 respond. 
145 persons left the darkness  last Friday  and Saturday  for the Light of Life , as Jesus promised those who follow him. Heaven is celebrating !

John 8:12 "I am the Light of the World. He who follows Me will not walk in darkness , but have the light of life "   Jesus  Christ 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Naked Truth

                                                                  The Naked Truth                                     

In the court of law the attorneys try to establish the truth about the case.
When the Lord was being tried by Pontus Pilate , the latter said, "what is truth?" It occurred to me in that day and those times, that truth had become white washed and lies were being propped up much like today in my culture. 

The  Naked  Truth  vs. Genderless Love  , will examine the Assault  to extinguish the norm of Heterosexual  attraction  and substantive language. 
Thus exposing the purposeful  slow eradication of heterosexual  orientation and relationships as foundation for a healthy society.  Consider public schools adopting  contempt of truth by of teaching , " The Alternative Lifestyle " as a viable course of academia. This is being achieved by 
pandering to cowardliness of Political Correctness This gains  momentum as it   deafened reasoning   against Conservative traditional values . 
We are not haters and this is not hate-mongering however in the midst of all of this is a very deeply felt responsibility in  preserving  well-being for our  Nation's children. we must not encourage them to question their gender, it is the naked truth who they are.  
 Children have fundamental rights. We must protect the rights not overexpose and subversively be suggestive with the film and rhetoric of our times such as gender reassignment, transsexualism and  furthering of the homosexual agenda . 

I am calling  out any and all  who feel it right to propagate this.
 Either way if you are supportive of my  view please post a comment .