Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Defense Attorney - Credibility & Objective Truth Proverbs 14:10

A few days ago my husband and I were singing the song, "How Deep the Father‘s Love", when my imagination began to weave a web. And, one of the verses in the song was, “it was my sin that held Him there until it was accomplished”… And then, I begin to think, as a young teenager I was trained in the word of God so I had learned about the deceitfulness of sin, and I thought I had regarded the instruction of the Word as a safeguard against sin. As the gears in my mind worked, a Bible truth came to memory to be reckoned with. Proverbs 14:10 "The heart knows it’s own bitterness."
So case in point, the heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it? Simply implicating ourselves.

As human nature is, we put ourselves in the best light, we look out for number one, because as

the expression goes, “You have to take care of number one.” And in that regard we defend ourselves, we often interpret the motive and intentions of our heart as good and not evil, and basically, all together without blame. We advocate for ourselves and this makes true, “for the heart is deceitfully wicked and who can know it?” We become our own defense attorney. Defending ourselves against the criticism of others, and my personal favorite, the one that says you are being too hard on yourself. It seems that the apex of light in our critical thinking, our defense attorney, speaks up for us and says we are not to blame. God’s Word says clearly, “if I regard sin in my heart, Thou oh God will not hear me.” Cleanse me from my presumptuous sin. Presuming I have no part in the outcome.

So, in the last analysis, it is true that it was my sin that held Him there until it was accomplished for me. Christ died on the cross for me.Though I prefer it were not so, He bled and died for us. The web of personal deception is destroyed with the grace of God and true repentance on my part.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Village Seminars - India

India Seminars:

The Indian ladies were cloistered upon one another, having been wound tightly into their cultural Sari (soft flowing, colorful fabric which consists of 6 yards plus). During this monsoon season, 85% high humidity, and the ill tempered sun burning down upon the earth, I thought surely as I watched, one among them would swoon. We were very thankful for ceiling fans that swirled above our heads with great efficiency, then without warning everything stopped. It was a black out and no power at all. These women sat quietly, note taking and with writers license I would like to suggest, pupating in their cocoons. 

The Seminar delegates, were tea plantation workers and arrived mid day after working in the field. By mid evening the day had cooled off and electricity had returned to our venue. The lovely Indian women became as animated among each other as flitting social butterflies. They swarmed with excitement, talking among themselves in sweet enthusiasm concerning the value of what they were learning. Dinner of Farm fresh chicken, yet to be plucked and prepared with the bounty of beautiful vegetables was served to all the delegates by 10:30 in the evening. It was such a Sweet company together for the Lord‘s purpose, that memories remain forever.

My hope was to share with the children about the names of God…

My hope was to share with the children about the names of God and His attributes, however a female translator was not available and so, I changed my plans, spending my time further developing my training material. While teaching our Marriage & Family Seminar, with a session I committed to memory on love and respect, having made an outline on the whiteboard an elephant walked by the Church!  Love and respect are pivotal for a strong and happy marriage, as they expose skills needed in communicating. I feel very passionate about contributing to the seminar on the issue of communication, because there in lies many unresolved conflicts. By nature, I am a pragmatic person and I love to #1 identify the issue or problem, #2 gather information that facilitates greater understanding of the issue, and #3 move towards resolution. This is second nature to me and suitable for teaching in our Marriage & Family Seminar in any culture.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

June / July 2018

These images are from a refugee camp in Thailand along the Thai-Burma border, primarily to for the Karen people. They came because of the intense persecution of the Burmese military. They are free to return but even now are suspicious of the Military. So, they have come to terms with that if they are to live in relative freedom and safety, so to speak, they must live here. From what I witnessed while in the Camp and from what I was told, they do what they can with their resources to make a home and a community. It is not only a genuine joy to serve these people but it is a privilege.Here,we have both shared our testimonies and Jim has had seminars and graduated his students with joy. (These are archived images from past trips)

We traveled two days to India. I hope to have classes with children and teach them about the names for God as HE calls Himself in the Bible. We must teach children not only that are we made in His image, but that the names of God invoke His caring Presence in our troubled world. Such images of a loving merciful and forgiving God, full of compassion and care. Children must grow up understanding that God loves them and is a Personal Creator. Contrast this with some religions that have vengeful, angry and punishing images of their deities which frighten children and offer no hope. One can easily understand why the message of Jesus Christ brings light, hope and joy.
I cannot imagine children not knowing the goodness of a benevolent, instructing and kind God.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


During our brief 10 day visit to the Philippines, April 2018, Jim and I were so blessed with a video our granddaughter Maisy sent of her baptism. The expression of her joy and faith in Jesus and commitment to follow him was demonstrated by going under the water and coming up Full of joy and held tightly in her mama‘s arms.

Maisy is 20 years old and has a mind of her own, and when she feels strongly about something she will follow through. This was a  demonstration of her faith and will to follow Jesus. I have called our granddaughter Amazing Maisy since she was three years old. She always seem to know what she wanted and why she wanted it, a very determined little girl, and there was a certain joy of life seeing her so confident. Her baptism, is that culmination of her youthful Faith With deep and constant resolve.   And this, her Clarion light will be influential,  through her  life.

Our week there was anticipated with the joyful reunion of Filipino pastors gathering together for the Calvary Chapel Pastor’s Conference. In the years that we lived there, Jim had organize the very first Philippines Pastor’s Conference and this April was the recognition of the 25th anniversary of the annual conferences.
Several American Calvary Chapel pastors spoke at the conference including Jim. His message exuded confidence, enthusiasm and was colorful with illustrations with humor. He recounted the early years with poignant memoirs, and concluded with a rousing roar of applause. The afternoons were filled with storytelling and laughter.

It was not a surprise to see all the love and respect from his peers. I sat there, deeply moved as to Jim's leadership role and love for the national Filipino pastors. His commitment to them, is obvious, and I am so proud of him. 

Sunday, February 25, 2018


On February 21st, the Reverend Evangelist Billy Graham passed away, the world has lost a great light and life. My young formative years as a child was greatly influenced by the preaching of Billy Graham. I first came to hear him at 10 years old. That was on our little black and white television set, where my father and I sat watching a Crusade. I was spellbound by what I saw, and it was the first time I ever experienced such passion. As a child being raised in a home without traditional guidance, when Mr. Graham extended his arms to the crowds gathered,  I immediately responded in heart and mind as one responding to God in an invitation. From that day forward I was ready for religious instruction and found my way to church where I would receive such. During the summer I went to a Vacation Bible School at the Evangelical Free Church in Laguna Beach and grew in Scripture and memorization, such as spiritual armor found in In Ephesians 6:11-18. Mr. Graham was the monumental influence in my life, which set me on course for the rest of my life. Ambitions of youth faded in pallor, as I grew and matured into a responsive Christian. Now as I write this, I am sitting in a Church where we are finishing our seminar with Thai pastors in Bangkok Thailand. I received the news that Billy Graham had died, he was 99 years old. Simultaneously happy that he was with the Lord and his wife Ruth and sad because his great life and light was gone now from a mankind.

In the Philippines 

It was wonderful to be back among friends in the Philippines and indeed the warm reception at the airport was very welcoming. By nature I am a communicator, and a warm responder and both Jim and I were asked about what we did to improve our health, and there is so much interest that I kindly asked if a presentation about it would be welcomed. Yes indeed came very hearty reply. So while Jim and I both had our work cut out for us in the next few weeks, I began to put my information together for such a presentation. However going over any notes to put together an outline requires a steady Wi-Fi signal to view the necessary work. Without it makes it virtually an additional challenge.  We shared with great enthusiasm together and presented a Wellness Seminar.

Seminars with the Karen

During the Marriage and Family seminar with which there is much spirit, I shared a session on communication which I titled, "The Differences in the Male and Female Brain in Communication". The group roared with laughter and I knew instantly that I had hit a home run. I have memorized my notes, and could speak freely without having to refer to anything so I have certain freedom and ablity to speak with the necessary actions and expressions. It was my intention to give them skills to better understand each other especially in conflict, and using their time wisely in communication with each other. I realized this will be a very necessary session in every marriage and family seminar.