Monday, December 1, 2014

The Kindness of A Man

The kindness of a Man

In casual conversation we might hear on occasion 
  with  regard , the strength,  ingenuity or hard working  of a man. 

But in the making of a Man, there is that medallion of Godlikness that is kindness . 
Hosea   6:6
 The  very   act and mindset of kindness elevates  society and benefits all  . 
"Random acts of Kindness " was a term used nearly a decade ago  to show the  ready acceptance and blessing it  left in its wake. 
I have a friend who, though he is special needs and  profoundly  behind academically  of his peers , is kind. His first thoughts are of others  and speaks of their needs. 
One certainly must not be exceptional or intuitive to dial in to others and help, be thoughtful and kind on their behalf.oij
Such a wealth of kindness would diminish the poverty of  awkwardness and social isolationism. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Far From The Civilised World


 The following entries will come  from my  study in the  Bible and thoughts resulting from such with reflections from our life's work.

                                                   Far From The Civilized  World 
                                    .                   November 18, 2014 

At present I struggle with two Spiritual realities. The one, is my nature to do for myself what I  please  as I please. I understand the power of free expression and that driving need  that seeks to make itself known, and to be understood  and know,  I know my ego needs and  ambitions.  They do not require translation into any foreign language, as this nature is shared by all  mankind . 
Every face nears it's own humanity with hope and disappointment , joys , triumphs and pain. The human condition. 
Of the struggle then is the reality we are spiritual and there is certainly the truisms  we submit too,  convinced    Or otherwise, So we have our human nature , then we have a spiritual nature enlivened by the Spirit of God  Who  is bringing light toour minds through the Bible. Consider, the Scripture  , "... Our foolish minds were darkened"
So where is the conflict?
I liken  it in the setting of a Theatre. As I see it, we act out and involve, and are persuaded of our engagements first by  our  minds, the mind  is us,  what  we think becomes who we are and what we do and react too, in essence what we 
Dwell upon". 
Let's not leave it  there. The struggle  is a collision with the  Will. 

We all have one.  Can we consider who rules who? 
Does the Mind rule the Will?
Does the Will  indeed rule the Mind?

It appears to me from study we must submit our Will to the reinforced and enlightened Mind changed and made alive to God by His Light , see  John 10 Jesus is THE light. 

If I have the wealth of this world or a modest representation of it, why  yet does conflict  hamper  my  way   with shadows of discontent?
As I increase in learning, why yet does  the  insatiable desire for more  leave me wanton and beggarly?? 
I seek to know wisdom, but is spend countless hours on acquiring knowledge. 
In the summation of this  inquiry, 
I will submit to the reading of the bible  as an appropriate   Act of Wisdom and submission. 
For this moment of Time, the struggle of the Will becomes  quieted as a nursed child. 

Shonda Davis 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Our Welcome To Vietnam, " Do You Like Nightlife ? "

The evening we arrived Saigon international airport, we were travel weary  and physically exhausted. We had Just arrived from Myannar after  2 weeks  of steady teaching, speaking and in general being available. 
 Maybe we were for all intent and purposes punchy  but here is where it got ridiculous. 
There would be someone to meet  us  at the airport. 
Shuffling through long lines of fellow beleaguereds  travellers, we exited the   Air conditioned   Building 
   into a blast of   hot sweltering Vietnamese night. 
Soon enough a young girl , looking about 10 years old in size and enthusiasm  greeted us. 
She was  the  Pastors daughter  and  was there with her father who recognized Jim.  

Little Miss, as I now refer to her directed  us into the taxi. I could tell immediately this little miss  was  a talker and a long string of indiscernible  words vaguely  sounding like English  went un responded to for a  few  long moments. 
Then  we heard it, loud and  clear.  
" Do you like nightlife.?"
By this tine  we had left far behind  bright lights of the airport and  found ourselves in dark   seedy business neighbourhoods ,  and we are needing a hotel soon. 
Again,  Little  Miss, not letting us off the hook   Asked again,  " do you like nightlife? 
Jim and I looked at each other quizzed and puzzled. That impish little  expression  and innocence had us . 

As we traveled on through ambiguity and dim lit streets , our minds were  as dull. 

 Hopelessly. Listening for clues, I couldn't  bear   her  to go without an answer. 
Jim  cautiously, managed something that could  be   neuter , but I spoke up  in volume 
" a little" .we like nightlife a little".
Moments later she pointed out a coffee cafe and shops open late, as we passed a dark corner where women of  the  evening  put on a fashion show in mini skirts and cigarette heels. 


2 weeks later ,  the  evening before leaving aug 3 we did enjoy nightlife at a beautiful romantic Ciao Bella . What an exquisite surprise my Beloved had made for us. 


Friday, August 1, 2014

A Meditation

                                                         FAR  FROM  THE  CIVILIZED    WORLD
                                                                    M MEDITATIONS  
                                                          AS A CITIZEN  OF  HEAVEN   

present I struggle with two Spiritual realities. The one, is my nature to do for myself what I  please  as I please. I understand the power of free expression and that driving need  that seeks to make itself known, and to be understood  and know,  I know my ego needs and  ambitions.  They do not require translation into any foreign language, as this nature is shared by all  mankind . 
Every face nears it's own humanity with hope and disappointment , joys , triumphs and pain. The human condition. 
Of the struggle then is the reality we are spiritual and there is certainly the truisms  we submit too,  convinced    Or otherwise, So we have our human nature , then we have a spiritual nature enlivened by the Spirit of God  Who  is bringing light toour minds through the Bible. Consider, the Scripture  , "... Our foolish minds were darkened"
So where is the conflict?
I like it in the setting of a Theatre. As I see it, we act out and involve, and are persuaded of our engagements first by out minds, the mind  is us,  what  we think becomes who we are and what we do and react too, in essence what we 
Dwell upon". 
Let's not leave it  there. The struggle  is a collision with the  Will. 

We all have one.  Can we consider who rules who? 
Does the Mind rule the Will?
Does the Will  indeed rule the Mind?

It appears to me from study we must submit our Will to the reinforced and enlightened Mind changed and made alive to God by His Light , see  John 10 Jesus is THE light. 

If I have the wealth of this world or a modest representation of it, why  yet does conflict redid hamper  my why  with their shadows of discontent?
As I increase in learning, why yet does  the  insatiable desire for more  leave me wanton and beggarly?? 
I seek to know wisdom, but is spend countless hours on acquiring knowledge. 
In the summation of this  inquiry, 
I will submit to the reading of the bible  as an appropriate   Act of Wisdom and submission. 
For this moment of Time, the struggle of the Will becomes  quieted as a nursed child. 

Shonda Davis 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Viva la Church du Vietnam

Our visit here with friends among the many has been very sweet. Tremendous fruit. 
I was able to teach immediately The information I have studied in my IPad library and since I need to commit  most  information to memory was thrilling to see it so received. 
 This information was the dynamic communication styles men and women use in the expression  of 
Themselves, , the dynamics of their language and the analysis of "the argument " and steps to  diffusing and  resolving  them. 
This was during our Marriage and Family sessions.  
There have been numerous  expressions of faith and trust, which   Are necessary to remain untold   at this posting.   
Photos of gathering is withheld at this time. 
 This is representative  of the many   beautiful buildings in architecture taken from the French Influence  here for many years. 
A fill report will be posted later. 

Father and Son

This is a great photo of our son Ben and his son wyatt. Ben is a doting father as you can see here. 
We are anxious to get home and spend time with them. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Beautiful family faces

We are so excited to be home again with family. While away, 
  their absence feels even greater.  I can be called romantasis ,  our family really is our lifeline. 
 What a great  smile and little wyatt has  filled my heart with joy 
We surely look forward to seeing them soon. Xx

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Chimes Over Mandalay


 Still  under military  control, this  nation is waking up  to  their  cell  phones  chiming constantly. 
  This  modest and unassuming  Country is electrified with  chimes of progress. 
Albeit cautious in a too quickly growing economy,   shops, taxis. Private  homes  and last but not least, the Bible School where Jim taught the 3rd  Inductive   seminar chimed with frequent calls.  
To his credit he didn't miss a beat and seems to roll with the punches. 
Some afternoons were smouldering with the heat of the "ill tempered sun" and yet he finished his  job well.  
He passed the baton and  taught  them the necessary tools to  understand the Word  of  God  via  verse by vverse, using the 5 interrogative friends, so to speak, and be able to teach it  as  to be understood and applied by the hearers.  
The 2images of the dorms are used by the male students in the photo. 
As you can see from these previous  posts  his students  range from different ages and economic and educational status.  

As I finish this post, we are presently on flight to Saigon, Vietnam  to begin again the well received Training. 
To keep things simple and basic, we do our laundry by hand and  gratefully enjoy the most basic of needs met . 

This is my beloved, relaxed and happy after we have finished our time here in Mandalay. 
I am very proud of him. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Joy with the Tribes

This photo taken with   A Kachin  couple who   Wanted  to ne photographed in their ethnic clothes were part of the participants in the first Inductive Seminar  in Northern Myanmar. 
He is a Pastor and he and his wife are presently caring for 10 orphans who  were homeless.  
These children were vulnerable having no place to be cared for and showed up  in  their Village. 
We  presented them with a monetary gift from our support. 

Aungbom , Myanmar 
 this was the place of the 2nd Inductive Seminar. 

Jim taught them with such passion. 

 Below is a home church of Chin believers.  It  was wonderful fellowship.  They sang familiar  hymns  and we joined in in our language. 
  is a 

is a predominately  Buddhist   Country. Yet  the True Light of The Gospel  shines in the darkness and  leads many out, to Jesus. 

A Prop Plane

Reading oiuy

TO Northern Myanmar! THE  GOLDEN TRIANGLE 

As we sat in the very provincial airport on Yangoon, I couldn't help   but think about the safety of this flight. I assessed the  condition  of  the x- Ray machine  and the 
 Fellow passengers. They appeared to be  unconcerned until the 2nd  announcement  over the loud speaker confirmed indeed our flight was delayed  due  to weather. The sky  cast   a foreboding  threat of rain as the clouds were swollen with an imminent  downpour .  When our flight did eventually arrive and we were called to que up  to  begin to board,, Jim and I both commented simultaneously,
 " it's a prop plane !"  
Thankfully, we climbed to beautiful heights soaring above the clouds and I was able to view the earth below from my window. 

It was a very un eventful flight 2 hours to Northern Muanmar  , where we would begin the first seminar.
In the city of Mytikyina. 

This river, dwarfed by my photo here,   runs through the country m it's headwaters  from mountains in the Northern Territory  where we were headed in this flight. We would be only 40 miles from the China border and 40 miles from the  Conflict Zone. 
The image below is a stern warning  to unwelcomed  visitors who may venture in, disregardin the posted restrictions. This is posted in the  Lobby of our hotel, which was owned by a Christian. 

In the city  of  Mytiktyina. 
The location we would be hosting the first seminar was offered in an Orphanage. 
It was a beautiful situation as it says in Psalms, as this was a Christian  Home. 

 As there were 140  children , true orphans  whose  parents had been killed
  in the  past  few years  by   tribal and Burmese Conflict, which at present is at a lull. 
 Or the children have been orphaned by heroin  addiction HIV  and in some cases poverty. 
  Interestingly enough we are in The  Golden Triangle here.

I am sharing with the children, in Chapel Hour.

The elderly man in this photo is the Founder and Director of the Orphanage. 
 He was once Govenor of the State and   Mayor   Of  the  city. . 
He is very humble  and loves Jesus. 

PTA buys thousands  if pairs of new reading glasses in different  strengths and we give them to Pastors  their wives and Christian Workers.  This simple  gift  changes their life's.  What a joy to witness. 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sweet Memories

Our grandson 

     Here is a picture of my friend  of many years in   Thephillipines   at their orphanage.  
 This  image represents  many years of trusting God for His Provision in Ministry , as well as growing up  In the Faith unto a working knowledge of  Christian  Grace and purpose. 
My friend, Susan Kimball,  represents that kind of character  in her expression of Biblical values. 

Of these Values, we were nurtured  and instructed  in the days of our youth to honer Christ and live for Him. 
 It is a sad day when  Biblical Truth  is   summarily subject to mans secular foolishness

I have been studying some materials to write a  teaching  manual for my sessions with our Marriage and Family Seminar. 
I enjoy research and making application, and the application must be understood and practical. 
 For  myself, I am challenged  in the process of clarity  and being concise 
In my spare time, which is the afternoon brief rest  time, , I managed to finish an ambitious painting for our wall here.  I had to lay this canvas over every flat  surface  to work 
  On  it. 
In the  end  I  was pleased on 2 accounts. 
I had  finished what I started and that it did not embarrass me hanging up. 


I this  painting is Titled: TROPICAL dreams  it is 52 inches  x4 ft. 

have also had art classes with our grandson Noah who shows  great ability and interest in Art and colours. 

Leah and I have enjoyed many  wonderful memories over our coffee talks.  These times together have been  the highlight of many a long and studious afternoon. We have treasured such times. 

We are now on our way to Burma,  on  July 4. Will post another from there. Our 

Our grandson Boaz getting in some play time with grandpa and darts.  As you can see,  the  rain is just a expected   Part  of the day. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, Bangkok, Thailand

This is in a public market area  in Bangkok, in the middle of the afternoon, you can easily see the posters and slogans that have  created this unrest. 
Many   feel it will be good  when this protesting is over as fringe groups have taken  advantage  of  the Media Coverage. 

We were safe and the day was uneventful. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014



   While  these elephants are an unwelcome sight , they remain  impressive  all the same. 
The image is blurred, as this  rogue   had just appeared as we were driving back to the Village, and we  hesitated momentarily to click off a few images. 
Very intimidating and unpredictable, as these are neither wild nor tame,  simply tolerate  the Villagers from afar.  People have been killed by these huge animals which can easily destroy a car.

These elephants are an unwelcome sight in Karen country.   

The   KAREN, A Religious Christian Community,Distinctive's    intact  in Community Life, Traditions Of Faith, Native Houses of Split Bamboo, Clothing And Diet. Akin To the Amish / Mennonites 

I am teaching a youth study here  which developed into a lively discussion in  simple English and then we played  games. 

Jim has taught in this particular Village/Bible School for  15 years and he is deeply respected. His Seminars have been assimilated well into the community of believers and  we. Return yearly for continued training of which these Christians are most thankful. 
I taught a unique and specialised form of communication in the Marriage Seminar, and  from that class , the lessons were duplicated twice. 

Below he is sharing a message with the graduates  here in a Refugee Camp. We have been here now several times . 

This is a very special occasion as you can imagine as these young people have  studied hard and shown themselves  earnest. 


This spider was crawling on our wall last  night next to our bed.  
It  can spring off the  wall,  and jump far, thus  becoming  the quintessential   fear for the . 
As to size, it  measures  the span of my palm. 
 Jim and i, dared each other  laughing as we crept near to  photograph it for this  image.
  For sure, another unsavoury presence among this village.