While these elephants are an unwelcome sight , they remain impressive all the same.
The image is blurred, as this rogue had just appeared as we were driving back to the Village, and we hesitated momentarily to click off a few images.
Very intimidating and unpredictable, as these are neither wild nor tame, simply tolerate the Villagers from afar. People have been killed by these huge animals which can easily destroy a car.
These elephants are an unwelcome sight in Karen country.
The KAREN, A Religious Christian Community,Distinctive's intact in Community Life, Traditions Of Faith, Native Houses of Split Bamboo, Clothing And Diet. Akin To the Amish / Mennonites
Jim has taught in this particular Village/Bible School for 15 years and he is deeply respected. His Seminars have been assimilated well into the community of believers and we. Return yearly for continued training of which these Christians are most thankful.
I taught a unique and specialised form of communication in the Marriage Seminar, and from that class , the lessons were duplicated twice.
Below he is sharing a message with the graduates here in a Refugee Camp. We have been here now several times .
This is a very special occasion as you can imagine as these young people have studied hard and shown themselves earnest.
This spider was crawling on our wall last night next to our bed.
It can spring off the wall, and jump far, thus becoming the quintessential fear for the .
As to size, it measures the span of my palm.
Jim and i, dared each other laughing as we crept near to photograph it for this image.
For sure, another unsavoury presence among this village.

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