Thursday, October 20, 2016


                                        OBLIVIOUS TO THE OBVIOUS 
Isn't it obvious , as it is imperative  that, in order to  preserve any    Culture  and civilization , children must be  protected. Naturally ,  children are the promise and glory of the future. It is their birthright to have vigilant protection.  We therefore are provisional Guardians in Society for their  overall safety.   
We cannot exploit or solicit their innocence for our  agenda. 
My premise is that, while children are tender, naive and innocent  of  many things , it is immoral  to use their beautiful innocence  to further  progressive  ideas, and overexpose  children to filth rhetoric. Their lack of interest and or understanding in such matters naturally beyond the scope of their experience must be measured as  success, not a failure to educate. Case in point, it is an absolute shame and AUDACITY  to  suggest gender reassignment and The  Alternative  Lifestyle as  moral choice  in Public Primary Schools. 
Secondly, the  rancour of moral disregard, rhetoric of anti traditional  values cradled in sentiments of fairness and fair representation , only undermine our youth and their self identity. This is happening now with the movement of Trans gender bathrooms and locker room  facilities  This is clearly pandering to  anything that bespeaks of Faith ,Traditions  of morality and Family. To the extreme , they have  supported and  buttressed an ever whining need for the exaggerated few. 
I am convicted we are drinking the swill of  tolerance , and it's effects  are numbing.
Tying our hands   by  believing  we must stand down, let this generation redefine their traditions  and  provide a supportive role. 
I remain cautiously   convinced we will continue to  contend for Moral Uprightness without becoming contentious.., 
1. Homosexuality has never been accepted by main stream Judaism, Christianity, Hindu, Buddhist nor Islam. Why is that?  Because it is understood as immoral and unnatural. 
2. Children placed  in  homes of practicing homosexuals is inherently very wrong and irresponsible , it is shameful to any people's that legislate such law, 
Consider these babies as lambs and the innocence as to what they are exposed to, and the lack of traditional roles in a family.
I think instead of being silently tolerant we must make known the conservative view with those who have the contrary opinion and explain why we hold these values. We have a rational Conservative opinion and it must be heard and that repetitively to affect and counter  those opposed , for the sake of our children.

This is the progressive narrative below:  

I am an advocate  for the protection of children and their  intrinsic right to niavitee . So what do I mean? The natural naïveté is exploited  and  we have come to accept it. 

Shonda Davis  

Friday, July 22, 2016

Surprised By Joy

                                                  Surprised By Joy                                  

When. I met Jim, 47 years ago, in Laguna Beach, he was witnessing. I could see clearly 
 that he was sharing his faith because he had a Bible in hand  and a smile on his face . As I intended to pass by him, he said hello and began speaking to me. I was immediately intrigued by the friendly and warm introduction and his manner of sharing his  faith with me. In fact that   was the first  time I had experienced such a personal passionate expression of faith. I was a Christian already , but   was twice hooked. 
First time by the Billy Graham Crusade on   Tv 
In 1965 and Jim Davis the second time. 
Hooked by both passion and Message . 

Of the three PTA Seminars that Jim has been teaching in. Southeast Asia foe 29years , the Evangelism & Follow Up is my favorite and stirs my heart deeply every time he teaches it.  Why? Everyone is moved to deep conviction and go share their faith and those receiving Christ weep tears  of joy.   This is his Signature Seminar . His passion for soul winning remains in tact. 
Singularly , it is the  passion and love for the lost, combined with sharing Scripture  that he conveys to his class. Jim Davis is a Soul Winner. 
Last Friday we had such a Seminar and Follow Up in  Dumaguete  City with  an Outreach Concert Saturday night.  
Our Door to Door  evangelism won 67 persons to Christ . Saturday's concert outreach saw 78 respond. 
145 persons left the darkness  last Friday  and Saturday  for the Light of Life , as Jesus promised those who follow him. Heaven is celebrating !

John 8:12 "I am the Light of the World. He who follows Me will not walk in darkness , but have the light of life "   Jesus  Christ 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Naked Truth

                                                                  The Naked Truth                                     

In the court of law the attorneys try to establish the truth about the case.
When the Lord was being tried by Pontus Pilate , the latter said, "what is truth?" It occurred to me in that day and those times, that truth had become white washed and lies were being propped up much like today in my culture. 

The  Naked  Truth  vs. Genderless Love  , will examine the Assault  to extinguish the norm of Heterosexual  attraction  and substantive language. 
Thus exposing the purposeful  slow eradication of heterosexual  orientation and relationships as foundation for a healthy society.  Consider public schools adopting  contempt of truth by of teaching , " The Alternative Lifestyle " as a viable course of academia. This is being achieved by 
pandering to cowardliness of Political Correctness This gains  momentum as it   deafened reasoning   against Conservative traditional values . 
We are not haters and this is not hate-mongering however in the midst of all of this is a very deeply felt responsibility in  preserving  well-being for our  Nation's children. we must not encourage them to question their gender, it is the naked truth who they are.  
 Children have fundamental rights. We must protect the rights not overexpose and subversively be suggestive with the film and rhetoric of our times such as gender reassignment, transsexualism and  furthering of the homosexual agenda . 

I am calling  out any and all  who feel it right to propagate this.
 Either way if you are supportive of my  view please post a comment .

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Blind Faith

This photo was taken in the Karen Refugee Camp,  at theHandicap   House where 7  men live together. The circumstances are such as these are all former Soldiers with the Karen National Unit and while in Civil War in Burma  , lost their  eyesight  and limbs when they stepped on land mines.   We moved to their beds where they sat in  silence. 
For me, I did  not   want to observe , but express kindness, so Jim and I took their  amputated limbs in hand and touched  I also brushed their cheek with my warm hand . 

These men are  Christians and love the Lord.    We were  blessed  to have met such , and   share momentarily  their  company , which in  making cost  them  their  all. 
We left  here February 23 for Bangkok for another week of Training before leaving March 2 for home. . 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

A Bridge To New Life

A Bridge To A New Life 

Bridge to a new  life 

This camp  hosts  50000 Karen Refugees and these have found sanctity  and a certain safety  in this provisional  location  along 
  the Thai Burma border. 
Though the life here does not   Create   affluence , it does provide basic protection from the aggressive faction within  Burma.  Alive and thriving still   is suspicion , animosity  and  injustice committed ,and never accounted for, since the 
War  from  the 1950's. One young student admitted to us in a private conversation , that he has a hard time with forgiving those soldiers who tortured and killed so many of his people. 
On the far side of this bridge  a road  leads  along the mountain valley where the Buddhist ' community , Moslem communities   and the superstitious lives of  Animist , live in their perspective  traditions. 
We were not allowed to go to these places as we were guests  of the Christian   community, and the Karen Christian College had a student enrollment of  500 plus.
We had opportunity to share with these and Jim taught the Inductive seminar . 
Jim and I walked through a Karen village and the photos show  a flavor of life.
Needless to say, we had a rich time with these believers and their love expressed towards us was very dear. 
Shonda Davis 

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

In the arms of a friend

Full  Circle 
As a child I would watch the Billy Graham Crusades on our small black and white television. That was a strong part of my childhood.  Never could I have ever imagined the great privilege that God would let be mine. 
Here, in the Philippines Sunday February 7 2016 , Jim was preaching at the Baptist Church  and so we took our grandson Noah who asked to come with us.    We arrived early and 
I suggested to Noah that we greet a few people. 
I noticed an elderly couple in the back so we went over and I extended  my hand to the old woman. She heartily shook my hand , and smiling, introduced the elderly man next to her as her husbands and ,told me ,  they  are the parents of the present Pastor of the Church.  I told her that, I  too was a Pastors wife, and before I realised the  Providence of our meeting, she implored me to take a seat beside her and began to pour forth her heart.  Her husband  was the Founding Pastor  and now suffers  with a debilitating  loss of language, dignity and memory. He  has  Alzheimer's   and she is  his caregiver which requires constant  supervision, as I witnessed that morning. Whispering, to me, how  difficult and emotional  it is, I just listened and hugged her. In    addition, their other adult son is special  needs  and lived  with them. I could see in  Her face the serenity of committed love but there too was agony of concern .  My  hand in hers  affirmed  how much she appreciated me being  with  her, putting her head on my shoulder.  
Confiding, only such things as one tells their  best friend, I was so humbled she took encouragement  from me. For how  often I have been bereft of  understanding  even the bitter struggle concerning my own circumstance. How then would I be able  to offer such solace? 
 It was a poignant moment in  suffering that it occurs again in  bold strokes of Divine Poetry, " comfort  one another in the same love you have been comforted with" .   She then quietly kissed me  and said "God sent you here to  me today, I needed encouragement  and you understand. " 
What is the full circle? 
This Pastor was Billy Graham s Interpreter, when Graham   preached in the Philippines in the 60s, the same years I watched  as a child. 
This day,   50 years later  I sat at her side, hand in hand  an Encourager    and  Confidant . 
 God, Jehovah  SHAMAH is near to the broken hearted. "a very present help in time of trouble" 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The invention

  At the risk of writing about this controversial  subject truthfully , it  begs  for  respondents . 
The Defense For  Marriage Act , D.O. M.A  was strong-armed by SupremeCourt Justices  who  successfully  overturned  the American voters voting against homosexuals Rights to marriage . 
At this juncture I want to say it's not about  equal rights of homosexuals, as they can  live out their expressed choice as homosexual. it is all about   equal rights of  very young tender innocent children placed in same sex parent  homes. 
 Who in their right mind thinks it is normal and an appropriate place for them to be raised in  such environment .
This is nothing other than a masquerade and how can a young boy receive nurturing in his    natural  role as  heterosexual , or a young girl for that matter lacking the essential guidance from a nurturing mother who is heterosexual . .  
it is a quintessential evil to surrender  children to this persuasion.  The homosexual  couple has chose for themselves such lifestyle, but to influence and deceive  the children , abandoned  to this during their formative years, is frankly, a real travesty   of justice .

 The democratic process was hijacked , as The Defence Of Marriage Act overruled , nullifying the expressed  votes against homosexual marriage , however   Liberals Agenda  invented " Marriage"  as the rights of the homosexual ,    overturning the D.O.M.A. 

As a Nation, we have victimized our children even before they were born. 
Due to legislation millions of unborn children were terminated in their mothers womb before they had a chance to life . 
Now we will witness againanother kind of victimization in a profound loss of  Innocense  and an undetermined effect by these children whose  childhoods  are  being  altered and Compromised  .  

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The sweetness of innocence

While enjoying the Christmas  Ballet  Nutcracker  , I was  thoroughly caught  up in the beautiful stage dressings of tapestry and lights, the  fanciful props like giant cake decorations while  sweeping music with full imagery and beautiful ballerinas in   they're sparkling enchanting gowns  gracefully leapt  and pirouettes  across the stage ,  I was  caught  in a moment of surprise   by the tiny sweet voice of innocense. 
She was sitting behind me with her mother and her Family asking is that the sugarplum fairy? in earnest she asked again, sitting on her  mother's lap and pointing at the  stage. 
Her little voice was the greatest joy for  me that evening. Joi d Vivre . Joy of life ,   As The French put it  simply. For hers was the voice of innocents and naïveté. 
This beautiful gift of innocence   comes to us by the children. This is the most delicate and fragile as niavitee and lasts only a few years comparatively in their childhood. 

It is a gift to all of us.  Do we  not all smile  when we hear the laughter of little children. 
It truly lightens the heart. 
I believe we must provide guardianships of their innocence and naivete. 
This is an act of preservation for not only our world but our culture here at home.