Thursday, October 20, 2016


                                        OBLIVIOUS TO THE OBVIOUS 
Isn't it obvious , as it is imperative  that, in order to  preserve any    Culture  and civilization , children must be  protected. Naturally ,  children are the promise and glory of the future. It is their birthright to have vigilant protection.  We therefore are provisional Guardians in Society for their  overall safety.   
We cannot exploit or solicit their innocence for our  agenda. 
My premise is that, while children are tender, naive and innocent  of  many things , it is immoral  to use their beautiful innocence  to further  progressive  ideas, and overexpose  children to filth rhetoric. Their lack of interest and or understanding in such matters naturally beyond the scope of their experience must be measured as  success, not a failure to educate. Case in point, it is an absolute shame and AUDACITY  to  suggest gender reassignment and The  Alternative  Lifestyle as  moral choice  in Public Primary Schools. 
Secondly, the  rancour of moral disregard, rhetoric of anti traditional  values cradled in sentiments of fairness and fair representation , only undermine our youth and their self identity. This is happening now with the movement of Trans gender bathrooms and locker room  facilities  This is clearly pandering to  anything that bespeaks of Faith ,Traditions  of morality and Family. To the extreme , they have  supported and  buttressed an ever whining need for the exaggerated few. 
I am convicted we are drinking the swill of  tolerance , and it's effects  are numbing.
Tying our hands   by  believing  we must stand down, let this generation redefine their traditions  and  provide a supportive role. 
I remain cautiously   convinced we will continue to  contend for Moral Uprightness without becoming contentious.., 
1. Homosexuality has never been accepted by main stream Judaism, Christianity, Hindu, Buddhist nor Islam. Why is that?  Because it is understood as immoral and unnatural. 
2. Children placed  in  homes of practicing homosexuals is inherently very wrong and irresponsible , it is shameful to any people's that legislate such law, 
Consider these babies as lambs and the innocence as to what they are exposed to, and the lack of traditional roles in a family.
I think instead of being silently tolerant we must make known the conservative view with those who have the contrary opinion and explain why we hold these values. We have a rational Conservative opinion and it must be heard and that repetitively to affect and counter  those opposed , for the sake of our children.

This is the progressive narrative below:  

I am an advocate  for the protection of children and their  intrinsic right to niavitee . So what do I mean? The natural naïveté is exploited  and  we have come to accept it. 

Shonda Davis  

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